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招财 八字转运 08-25


醒悟吧 那个是电影里 才胡 1ooo多番 在名符其实的国际麻将大赛中最高的番是88!!! ○○○◆88番 1◇◆四杠 4个杠 2◇◆九莲宝灯 由一种花色序数牌子按1112345678999组成的特定牌型,见同花色任何1张序数牌即成和牌。不计清一色 3◇◆绿一色 由23468条及发字中的任何牌组成的顺子、刻5。将的和牌。不计混一色。如无“发”字组成的各牌,可计清一色 4◇◆大三元 和牌中,有中发白3副刻子。不计箭刻 5◇◆大四喜 由4副风刻(杠)组成的和牌。不计圈风刻、门风刻、三风刻、碰碰和 6◇◆连七对 由一种花色序数牌组成序数相连的7个对子的和牌。不计清一色、不求人、单钓 7◇◆十三幺 由3种序数牌的1。九牌,7种字牌及其中一对作将组成的和牌。不计五门齐、不求人、单钓 这几种牌型是国标麻将中的极品,骨干牌型中,最大能胡出来的番数是大三元+四杠子+四暗刻+字一色,即88+88+64+64=304番,亦即,中发白各4张形成3个暗杠,另有一个风牌暗杠外加一对风牌作把这样变态的牌型。添头方面,四暗刻不计碰碰胡、门清和单钓将,四杠子不分别计暗杠番,但大三元不妨碍计门风和圈风,另外可以计自摸+绝张+8花+妙手回春+杠上开花,一共是2+2+1+4+8+8+8=33番,我也想不出来更加的多可能附加的番数了,因此国标按道理来讲能胡出的最高番数为304+33=337番。要胡出如此的最高番数,情形大体会是这样:自己坐在东,恰好又是东风圈,南风已打出2张,在还剩最后13张牌的时刻,手中门清,有中发白东各3张,一张南风,摸起一张花,花上又补花,花上再补花,一直补满8张,最后一张花补进一张红中成暗杠,再补杠上一张发财成二杠,又补杠上一张白板成三杠,第4次补上一张东风形成四杠四暗刻大四喜,这时牌墙上还剩最后一张牌,补进,而这一张恰恰就是听的最后一张南,字一色,另外还有自摸绝张外带妙手回春和杠上开花。假如能一直打牌到世界末日,也许会胡一次如此的牌?还有另外的讲法,“七星见喜”是最大的牌七星见喜:由东南西北中发白组成的七对基本番数为:小三元+小四喜+七小队+字一色=216番若是再加上天胡的话就是:(216+88)×3=912番说法4:大四喜+四杠+字一色+四暗刻+八张花+妙手回春+杠上开花+和绝张 最后加起来是332番一种:天胡168 不计单钓将、边张、砍张 ,没说明其他牌型+四大发财168 不计大四喜、圈风刻、门风刻、三风刻、碰碰和、幺九刻,没说明字一色四暗刻+字一色64 (受四大发财限制,不再考虑牌型) 不计碰碰和、混幺九、全带幺、幺九刻、缺门,没说明暗刻牌+四暗刻64 不计门前清、碰碰和、三暗刻、双暗刻、不求人+花牌8(全拿)+季花1+季花1+无混2一共478番,除去没有可能的8花季花无混等计464番,即天胡四大发财字一色可胡464--478番。不过还不是最大的,请继续看下文四暗刻不计碰碰胡、门清和单钓将,四杠子不分别计暗杠番,但大三元不妨碍计门风和圈风,另外可以计自摸+绝张+8花+妙手回春+杠上开花,一共是2+2+1+4+8+8+8=33番,我也想不出来更加的多可能附加的番数了,因此国标按道理来讲能胡出的最高番数为304+33=337番。还有另外的讲法,“七星见喜”是最大的牌 七星见喜:由东南西北中发白组成的七对 基本番数为:小三元+小四喜+七小队+字一色=216番 若是再加上天胡的话就是:(216+88)×3=912番 但都是理论的,都不大可能实现的说最高88番的都是不会打麻将的88只是这个牌型的基本番数而已 仅以大四喜而言 同样是大四喜的牌型 门清自摸和全求人的番数就不一样 假如算上花牌就又不一样 更不必说还有天和地和海底捞月之类的 都是是在88番的基数上累加 而不是固定88番 还有像“绿一色” 假如不含发财 本身就是88+二十四的番数像楼上几位说的“七星见喜”按道理来讲是成立的 中国麻将可谓是博大精深滴。。。。那些个只会掉书袋死记硬背的。。。。自己先睡醒了再来叫别人醒悟吧。。。。 pI4马到功成运势网


让您久等了译文奉上 :Mahjong is the view of some, please help master translated into English ah, ah Thank you Quartet big fortune: from the licensing of the fortune would Daisichi licensing component。 And: idle got home on the first card and licensing, and called。 If the idle-arrested first card is spent licensing, applique and after licensing and also count。 If idle home to eat, before grasping licensing collision bars (including dark bars), and it is not。 And: Makers play the first card on the leisure and family called and licensing。 Makers card if there are dark bars, and then not。 Mixed 4: and licensing, licensing, there are three kinds of color and followed increases of a few four-carved, including two carved of the same color。 Mixed in four steps: and licensing, licensing, there are three kinds of color and an increased number of turn four Shunzi, including two Shunzi of the same color。 Mixed dragon: and licensing, licensing, orderly several licensing 1-9 Shunzi composed of three, two of which must have the same Shunzi color。 Li straight: front - and after listening to and licensing。 2580 will be: and licensing, it will be licensing is 2, 5, 8 licensing of ordinal number。 Quarter flowers: and licensing their own hands and have the same serial number doors wind flower licensing。 Flower cards is the order of Summer, Autumn and Winter, Meilan bamboo-ju。 For example, the door is southerly wind, then summer and Portland was their quarter flowers; door westerly wind, and then the autumn quarter of bamboo is its own flower。 Mody 9: when licensing and licensing is a sequence of nine of licensing。 (If released the 9-11, will no longer include 11 9)(注:部分专业用语的确不知道如何翻译 只好用拼音代替了 对不起 也许不能符合您的要求)Mahjong is the view of some, please help master translated into English ah, ah Thank you Quartet big fortune: from the licensing of the fortune would Daisichi licensing component。 And: idle got home on the first card and licensing, and called。 If the idle-arrested first card is spent licensing, applique and after licensing and also count。 If idle home to eat, before grasping licensing collision bars (including dark bars), and it is not。 And: Makers play the first card on the leisure and family called and licensing。 Makers card if there are dark bars, and then not。 Mixed 4: and licensing, licensing, there are three kinds of color and followed increases of a few four-carved, including two carved of the same color。 Mixed in four steps: and licensing, licensing, there are three kinds of color and an increased number of turn four Shunzi, including two Shunzi of the same color。 Mixed dragon: and licensing, licensing, orderly several licensing 1-9 Shunzi composed of three, two of which must have the same Shunzi color。 Li straight: front - and after listening to and licensing。 2580 will be: and licensing, it will be licensing is 2, 5, 8 licensing of ordinal number。 Quarter flowers: and licensing their own hands and have the same serial number doors wind flower licensing。 Flower cards is the order of Summer, Autumn and Winter, Meilan bamboo-ju。 For example, the door is southerly wind, then summer and Portland was their quarter flowers; door westerly wind, and then the autumn quarter of bamboo is its own flower。 Mody 9: when licensing and licensing is a sequence of nine of licensing。 (If released the 9-11, will no longer include 11 9) pI4马到功成运势网


四方大发财。大众麻将中的一种胡牌局面:东南西北各成坎,一对发财做将。番值为168分。该胡牌局面不属于国标规则中的标准规则。麻将,四人骨牌博戏,流行于我国文化圈中。追溯于中国,粤港澳及闽南地区俗称麻雀,由中国古代人们发明的博弈游戏,娱乐用具,一般用竹子、骨头或塑料制成的小长方块,上面刻有花纹或字样。 pI4马到功成运势网


器谜底是 器四方 是四个方形, 即四个口合点大, 大和丶合成 犬合起来是谜底 器米 pI4马到功成运势网








